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Sirius是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Sirius.html 发布时间:2021-03-24
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1. danci.911cha.com

1. 天狼:美国天文学家及天文学镜片制造商,以生产天文望远镜闻名於世. 其中包括叶凯士天文台(Yerkes Observatory)内,至今仍是世上最大的四十吋折射式望远镜. 另外,儿子阿尔万.格雷厄尔.克拉克(Clark, Alvan Graham)还发现了天狼(Sirius)的伴星及不少其它双星.

2. 史里乌:1969年01月06日 大犬座(Canis Major)白银圣斗士 史里乌(Sirius)出生. 1966年02月21日 冥斗士 地暴星 独眼巨人(Cyclops)古加多(Giganto)出生. 1963年11月07日 冥斗士 地走星 戈耳工(Gorgon)欧克斯(Ox)出生.

Sirius 双语例句

1. Sirius是什么意思

1. In addition, a large number of broadcast networks, text messaging and Sirius XM broadcast live coverage of the General Assembly.
此外,还将有大量的网络广播、文本消息和Sirius XM广播实况报道这次大会的情况。

2. Sirius的反义词

2. Sirius sailed off again in March 1790, with a cargo of convicts and marines, for Norfolk Island.

3. Sirius

3. There are reasons to worry about Sirius XM`s business model, says Tom Eagan of Collins Stewart, a stockbroker.
有理由担心Sirius XM的商业模式,券商Collins Stewart的Tom Eagan说道。

4. The result of Picric- sirius red polarized light method shows thatthe accrementition and reconstitution of mesenchymal fibers were markedly in experimental group compared with control group, especially in plantaris.Ⅰ-type collagen dominates in mesenchymal, IOD ratio ofⅠ/Ⅲchanged.

5. Sirius

5. It begins with the familiar WB logo, flying through the clouds. We hear Sirius Black speaking, talking about Voldemort\'s return, then we see his face. Cut to Dumbledore, speaking to, presumably, the Wizengamot warning them of Voldy\'s return, that they should not ignore the signs.

6. Http://dissendium. com/page. php? id=941It begins with the familiar WB logo, flying through the clouds. We hear Sirius Black speaking, talking about Voldemort\'s return, then we see his face. Cut to Dumbledore, speaking to, presumably, the Wizengamot warning them of Voldy\'s return, that they should not ignore the signs.

7. X1 m! q7 v w8 z4 v It begins with the familiar WB logo, flying through the clouds. We hear Sirius Black speaking, talking about Voldemort\'s return, then we see his face. Cut to Dumbledore, speaking to, presumably, the Wizengamot warning them of Voldy\'s return, that they should not ignore the signs.
`* e7 `* s; p7 5 P 预告片开始于我们熟悉的在云端飞翔的华纳的LOGO,然后我们听到小天狼星在说话,说的是伏地魔卷土重来了,然后切换到邓布利多,按推测是在对威森加摩说话,警告他们伏地魔回来了,他们不应该忽视那些征兆。

8. In Greek mythology, Orion\'s dog became Sirius.

9. Sirius的解释

9. Even Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades and Arcturus never fell so low in vibration.

10. Sirius的翻译

10. A dangerous mass murderer, Sirius Black, has escaped Azkaban Fortress - the Wizards\'Prison. While learning to cope with the Dementors sent to protect Hogwart\'s, Harry learns the disturbing story of Sirius Black and yet more of his own history.

11. But now Macquarie Place is like a queer little village green, very historic, containing at least two of our most important national relics, the severe tone obelisk which Governor Macquarie had erected to mark the starting place for all roads in the colony, and the bower anchor of the Sirius.

12. Observe the alleosis of aorta thoracalis, stain the collagens of the Aortic by masson trichrome coloration and Sirius red staining method, stain ColⅠand ColⅢby immunohistochemical staining method, calculate the contents of the collagens.
取自发性高血压大鼠胸主动脉,采用Masson氏三色法染动脉胶原和sirius red苦味酸染色法行胶原特殊染色,用德国leica公司Qwin V3图像分析软件系统软件进行图像分析,计算胶原面积与统计场总面积比值。

13. Sirius was both the most important star of ancient Egyptian astronomy, and one of the Decans (star groups into which the night sky was divided, with each group appearing for ten days annually).

14. Such karma turned out to be manipulated; Earth was never involved in the disputes between Sirius and the Pleiades and should not have been pulled into the dance.

15. Sirius的反义词

15. Out of the first program of Sirius is 50, based on the introduction of the Level-2 data analysis system developed in the future prepared to simulate the proportion of body position, and product prices from 29, 000 yuan down to 1.28 Million, while Fu won the remaining customers will receive 200% compensation, and some customers request a refund, 50, said Sirius from January 1 next year onwards for a refund.
50的基础上,引进的水平- 2数据分析系统,准备模拟体位未来发展的比例,从2.9万元下降到1.28产品价格亿美元,而富赢得了剩余的顾客将得到200%的赔偿,一些客户要求退款,50表示,从1月1日退款明年开始天狼星。

16. Sirius: And you know it. That`s enough.

17. I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that we are looking forward to being your teachers.

18. This: Sirius Black was and remains to this day...

19. \\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u67E5\\u8BE2\\u00B7\\u82F1\\u8BED\\u5355\\u8BCD

19. This here is James Potter, and I\'m Sirius Black!

20. I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and note how much you yearn to be our friends.

Sirius 单语例句Sirius在线翻译

1. The comic joins a Sirius XM \" Tiger Blood Radio \" channel, and an extra strong strain of cannabis on sale in California medical marijuana dispensaries.

2. Sirius\'plan to buy XM Satellite must win approval from both the US Federal Communications Commission and the Justice Department\'s antitrust division.

3. The outspoken artist condemned the diva calling her some vulgar words on his Sirius Satellite Radio show.

4. Foxx had started talking about Cyrus on his Sirius satellite radio show after someone brought up the singer\'s recent feud with Radiohead.

5. In this publicity photo released by SIRIUS XM, radio personality Gayle King is shown.

6. The Sirius Star was captured in November with 25 crew members, 830 km southeast of Kenya in the boldest seizure to date by Somali pirates.

7. The performances were to be staged at London\'s Abbey Road Studios and the Sirius studios in New York.

8. The application came shortly after the launch of satellite radio services by XM Canada and Sirius Canada late last year.

9. The oil tanker MV Sirius Star is pictured at anchor on November 19, 2008 off the coast of Somalia.

10. No ransom has been demanded so far for the Saudi supertanker Sirius Star, which the pirates seized after dodging international naval patrols in their boldest strike yet.

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本文链接: http://sirius.immuno-online.com/view-684024.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
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